Wife Has Gambling Problem
Find out if you have a gambling problem by taking our easy gambling quiz. Our test could establish if you or a loved one have the signs of gambling problem, and point you in the right direction to get help. If you know that your spouse has a serious problem with gambling, you should confront the issue head-on. Urge him to get some kind of professional help. If he’s unwilling to listen, see if you can enlist the help of an objective third party – a pastor, a relative, or a male friend who agrees with your assessment of the situation and who would be willing to come alongside you in order to strengthen your case. Talking to someone about problem gambling is never easy. It is important to remind them that you truly care for their well-being. Be specific and direct about your concerns; try to listen without. Gambling is not a financial problem, but an emotional problem that has financial consequences. It also impacts the way in which the person with the disorder relates to his or her family and friends.
Not really sure how to start this-My wife has had this addiction for 5+ years. She has killed our account or bills too many times and Christmas is next month with 6 kids and a grandchild. I dont know if I want to do this marriage anymore.
Wife Has Gambling Problem And Needs Money
I love my wife, but we've fought so many times about this topic. She has lost her car to gambling, lost paychecks, 2 payday loans, cashed in 401k and lost it all, but always expects forgiveness. That said, I adore her and hate her now at the same time. I mean seriously our kids suffer comfort, however, she will argue this with me. I believe No child should have to worry about school lunch when their parents make a combined income of 140k a year. My wife has the belief if she dies tomorrow she has lived life to her fullest. I like a different approach that I love to live life with a financial safety net.Wife Has Gambling Problem
My wife refuses to get help with some type of addiction program or counseling program. I know this is an addiction and simple WILL will not help her. I am at an end road here and I'm a ######6 fighter, but I'm sooo damn tired now.
I Think My Wife Has A Gambling Problem
What do I do?