
Texas Holdem Fixed Limit Rules

Limit poker is a variation of the popular card game where the betting limit is set. This can apply to cash games as well as tournaments but the most popular option is Limit Texas Hold'em ring games. (In Texas Hold'em, you build a hand with two hole cards and three community cards) Card Game Rules Texas Hold’em Poker is a casino type game where the objective is to win the best hand out of a group of players. Players are initially given two cards, called “hole” cards, that they hold throughout the game (hence the name). They then try to make the best five card hand out of their. Fixed limit games are the more basic of the two betting structures, and they always follow the same strict betting procedure. The player can only bet in specific increments, no matter what the situation is. For example, in a $2/$4 Texas Hold’em game, one can only bet and raise in the specified increments.

  • Texas Hold'em Rules It seems like ancient history now, but there was a time when poker players weren't playing No-Limit Texas Hold'em. Fixed-Limit Hold'em was the game of choice at the turn of the millennium; before that, it was lowball and stud games, and before that, 5-Card Draw was the universal way to play.
  • Many low-stakes Texas hold ’em games are also played with spread limits which means that any player has the option of betting or raising an amount that is not fixed. For instance, in a typical $1-$4-$8 spread-limit hold ’em game, there will be either two $1 blinds or one $2 blind.
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Fixed limit games are the more basic of the two betting structures, and they always follow the same strict betting procedure. The player can only bet in specific increments, no matter what the situation is. For example, in a $2/$4 Texas Hold’em game, one can only bet and raise in the specified increments. During the first two rounds of betting one must bet or raise $2. During the final two betting rounds the limit doubles, the player must bet $4.

Whether one is playing online, or in a casino, there will be a little white dealer ‘button’ being passed clockwise around the table. Whichever player has this button in front of him, will be the last player to act on every betting round. Acting last is a huge advantage in most poker games. It is especially valuable in Texas Hold’em. When a player gets to see what other players have done before they are required to act, it lets them make more knowledgeable decisions. Since the button is passed around clockwise, each player receives the privilege to act last once each round.

At the beginning of each hand, the two players to the left of the button are required to put forced bets into the pot known as the small and big blind. The player to the left of the button puts in half of a small bet, whereas the player two to the left on the button matches the small bet at whatever particular limit is being played. Limit games almost always follow the exact same blind structure, regardless of what the betting limits are. For example, and a $20/$40 game, the small blind will be $10, and the big blind will be $20. In no limit, the blinds are decided upon ahead of time, and usually are related to the maximum or minimum buy-in allowed at that table. These blinds ensure that there will be action in every pot, since there is always money out there, waiting to be taken.

Once the blinds are placed and the cards are dealt, the player starting to the left of the big blind has the opportunity to call, raise or fold. The action then continues to the next player to the left, and so on. Once it gets all the way around to the small blind, the small blind can complete the bet or fold (remember, they only put in half of a small bet before the cards were dealt). Folding would forfeit his small blind. The big blind then has one last chance to raise before the flop is dealt. Once the flop is dealt, betting continues clockwise as before, but this time the small blind is the first to act. The turn and river are treated in the same way as the flop. Once the hand ends, the dealer button is moved to the left and the small and big blinds are placed before the next round is dealt (this will all be done automatically for you online of course).

All these rules may seem complicated now, but remember, most poker games follow the exact same procedure from hand to hand, so once the basics are down, it all becomes second nature.

Texas Hold'em is the most widely played poker variation in the world, particularly thanks to its simple setup and play.

This article explains all the rules and concepts you'll need to get started playing it.

Hold'em is almost exclusively played with three different betting structures:

  • Limit
  • No-Limit
  • Pot Limit

This article focuses on the Limit version of the game. Its full name is 'Fixed Limit,' and it's called that because the betting limits are fixed. At any given time you can only bet in the single governing limit set for that street.

The simplest way to explain how the game works is to run you through a sample hand.

How to Play Limit Holdem

The very first thing you have to do is decide on the stakes in which you're about to play. If you're playing a tournament the stakes will start very small and gradually increase; if you're playing a cash game, the stakes will stay constant.

For this example, let's say you're playing a $2/$4 cash game. This means that in this game the lower fixed limit is $2 while the higher fixed limit is $4.

Hold'em poker functions with a rotating dealer. This means regardless of who's actually dealing the cards, the dealer in the game is the player with the plastic 'Dealer' button in front of them.

After the hand concludes the dealer button is moved to the player to the left of the current dealer, and so on.

If this is the very first hand you can choose who starts as the dealer in any fashion you would like. The most common way is to deal every player one card face up. The high card starts as the dealer.

Texas holdem fixed limit rules card game

Putting Out the Blinds

Once you have a dealer the player to the left of the dealer must put the small blind out. The small blind is a forced bet equal to half of the smaller limit.

In our $2/$4 game the small blind would put out $1. (If you're playing a limit in which half would not be an even-dollar amount, such as $5/$10, the small blind is typically rounded down, making it $2.)

The player to the left of the small blind must place the big blind. The big blind is equal to the full amount of the smaller limit; in our example here the big blind will be $2.

Limit Hold'em - The Deal

The cards are dealt clockwise, starting with the player to the left of the button (the small blind) and ending with the player who is acting as dealer (the button).

Each player receives two hole cards, which for now remain face down on the table.

The First Round of Betting

After the last card is dealt the action starts with the player seated to the left of the big blind. This player has the option to call (match the amount of the big blind, or the smaller limit), fold (throw away their cards) or raise.

A raise in limit poker is always equal to the total of the previous bet, plus the addition of the current governing limit.

Texas Holdem Fixed Limit Rules 2019

In this scenario, the player chooses to raise. This means they put in a total of $4 ($2 to call the current bet of the big blind and $2 to raise the amount of the smaller limit).

The action now continues clockwise around the table with each player acting on the same options: call, fold or raise.

When the action meets the small blind the amount of money they've already put into the pot is counted toward the total of their call or raise.

If they choose to fold, that money is lost to the pot.

The big blind has the same option as the small blind here. If no player would have raised, the big blind would have been the only player with a different set of options.

Since (assuming no raise was made) the current bet was $2, which the big blind had already bet before the deal, they had the option to check (continue to the next street without putting any more chips into play) or to raise.

In poker, a betting round ends when every player has had the option to play, and every player has the same amount of chips bet (or has folded).

(Note: There is an additional rule on raising. In Limit Hold'em there is a 'cap,' meaning there can only be one bet and three raises in any single betting round [unless there are only two players remaining in the hand]. This means once there has been a bet and three raises, no player is allowed to raise any further; they can only call or fold.)

Texas Holdem Fixed Limit Rules Regulations

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The Flop

Once the first round of betting is complete the dealer deals the flop. To do so, they place one card face down on the table (this card is known as the 'burn card'), followed by three cards face up. Each player looks at the flop and uses it to evaluate the strength of their current holdings.

From now until the end of the hand, every betting round starts with the player closest to the dealer button. This means action starts in the small blind and moves clockwise around the table.

If there is no live player in the small blind, action starts on the next player still in the hand, following the clockwise flow around the table.

The betting in this second betting round is identical to that in the first, with one small exception. The first player to act now has the choice to check (there is no bet, so calling no bet is called 'checking') or to bet (they can bet the lower limit of $2). If they check, the next player is faced with the very same options.

As soon as someone bets, the players' available options become to call, raise or fold. As soon as everyone has acted and everyone has the same amount of money bet, the betting round is over.

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Texas Holdem Fixed Limit Rules Card Game

The Turn and River


Texas Holdem Fixed Limit Rules 2020

Dealing the turn is similar to the flop, as the dealer deals one card face down, followed by one card face up. This card is followed by the third betting round.

The turn and river play the very same as did the flop, with only one difference. The betting limit on the final two betting rounds uses the higher limit, making each bet and raise cost $4.

Once the third betting round is completed the river is dealt exactly as the turn was. After the river is dealt the fourth, and final, betting round is run. Upon completion of this betting round, the remaining players in the hand enter the showdown.

The showdown is simple - each player shows their hand, and the best hand wins the pot.

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